Paper Submission Information :
- Oral and poster presentations will be accepted.
- After the abstracts are evaluated, the full texts of the oral presentations will be requested.
- The deadline for submissions is 22 September 2023, at 23:59.
- Abstract evaluation results will be announced as of October 6, 2023.
- Presentation Language must be English.
- Your paper must be unique.
- Your paper should not exceed 350 words.
- Paper submission should not exceed the deadline for submission. Papers sent after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Before the paper is sent, the owner of the paper and the authors involved in the paper should be sure about the final version of the paper, then it should be uploaded to the paper system.
- The presenter must register as a participant.
- Papers can only be sent via the online submission module. Email, fax etc. Papers submitted through the following methods will not be taken into consideration.
Presentation Preparation :
- Before starting, please follow the steps below:
- You must fill in the contact information of the person who will make the presentation.
- E-mail address
- Address information
- Telephone numbers where you can be reached during the day and in the evening
- Information about the author and other authors should be included in detail.
- Full name and surname information
- The author’s name should contain uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Your institution information; the department, institute/hospital, city, country.
- Your paper title should be limited to 30 words, and CAPITAL LETTERS should be used.
- Your statement should consist of 350 words, including thank you notes.
Note : We recommend using Office programs for editing and word calculation of your article. (Example: Word, word processor, etc.)
Disclosure : If the authors have a financial affiliation, they must specify. The manufacturer/supplier of any advertising product or service associated with its business should be identified in an appropriate box on the presentation form.
* Use only standard abbreviations. A special place or unexpected abbreviations should be indicated with explanations in parentheses.
* Their brand should indicate drug names. Please describe the number of units.